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SCHILLING ENGINEERING is "Employer of the future"

Digital, sustainable, attractive - We are delighted to have received the special "Employer of the Future" award from the German Innovation Institute for Sustainability and Digitalisation (diind)!

With the "Employer of the Future" seal, diind recognises medium-sized companies with a strong focus on the future and special quality as employers. The award is given to innovative employers with a clear digitalisation strategy, clear sustainability goals and attractive working conditions. Among other things, the focus is on modern management and employee friendliness. The diind uses an evaluation matrix developed by experts from business and academia to determine the best companies in a rigorous selection process.

"We are delighted to receive this special award and feel honoured to be among the most innovative companies in Germany," says Managing Director Ute Schilling, "The seal is an incentive for us to continue on our forward-looking path. We want to be and remain a progressive employer with a high degree of digitalisation and modern working conditions. That's what makes us stand out. The award goes to our entire team, because our success is always a joint effort.
