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What does a cleanroom cost?

| Knowledge

This is the one question our sales people are asked very often, often at the beginning of a project enquiry.

Unfortunately, we cannot give you a concrete answer to the question of the price of the cleanroom in an initial telephone conversation. It's not because we don't stand behind our prices, far from it. It's just that we need a lot of information before we can offer cleanroom solutions - often at different prices.

When asked about the cost of a cleanroom, a serious salesperson must always answer "it depends".

That's why we have a whole series of counter-questions:

What cleanroom class is required?
How large and how high should the room be?
Can the ceiling be suspended or should it be free standing?
Is air conditioning required?
What heat loads will be generated?
Are there GMP specifications?
How many people will be working in the cleanroom?

These are just some of the parameters that go into a calculation. Because a cleanroom is not an off-the-shelf product. It has to be tailored precisely to the cleanliness requirements and production needs.
Only then, together with our customers, can we decide whether, metaphorically speaking, a Porsche is needed or whether a Polo will do.

But just to satisfy your curiosity for a moment:

A cleanroom costs between 1,000 and 5,000 euros per square metre.


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