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How much cleanroom do you need?

| Knowledge

The most important question when planning a new cleanroom project

Every square metre of cleanroom space is expensive to build, and even more so to operate. Specifying a larger area or a higher cleanroom class ultimately means more filter systems, more "air", more cost.

The first questions we usually ask our customers are therefore

Are you sure you need this cleanroom class?
Are you sure you need this cleanroom size?
Are you sure you need air conditioning, especially humidity control?

In addition to investment, energy costs play a significant role in question 3. That's why we explicitly focus on energy-efficient solutions.

It is only by understanding the process that we can help the customer to avoid unnecessary costs for cleanroom technology and not to use a sledgehammer to crack a nut. The goal is maximum customer benefit, not maximum sales.

So what does that mean in practice?
It doesn't always have to be a permanently installed cleanroom, but an enclosure or cleanroom tent is often sufficient for manual activities - for example in combination with a laminar flow bench.

For clean production, a cleanroom or combination with laminar flow benches may even be sufficient. In some cases, the cleanliness of the controlled environment can be achieved without the need for a cleanroom.

For mechanical processes, machines can be installed and encapsulated outside the cleanroom. In this case, wall openings or conveyor belts are used to access the cleanroom. There are many ways to reduce costs without compromising safety.

So how much cleanroom do you need? - As much as necessary and as little as possible.

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