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Education partnership

Education partner of nine schools The company Schilling Engineering has officially signed an educational sponsorship with nine schools from the region. The company provides the students with a wide…

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Corporate Succession

Report in the trade journal "Wirtschaft im Südwesten"
Edition Nov. 2019 "The Wutöschingen-based company Schilling Engineering expanded its management team in May: Since then, Gaby (left) and Ute…

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[Translate to English:] partikelarme Produktion mit moderner Informationstechnik
CleanCell 4.0 – Intelligent and efficient cleanroom system

The new cleanroom system CleanCell4.0® combines low-particle production with modern information technology and consumes far less energy than comparable cleanroom systems. The smart system links air…

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[Translate to English:] Erweiterung des Betriebsgebäude der SCHILLING ENGINEERING
SCHILLING ENGINEERING expands - company fit for the future

SCHILLING ENGINEERING expands - company fit for the future
SCHILLING ENGINEERING GmbH in Wutöschingen is one of the leading specialists in clean room technology. The company of Günther Schilling has…

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1,000 cleanroom projects

We almost missed it... we recorded a very special milestone last month. Our 1,000th individual cleanroom project was created as a project number.

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