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Medium-sized company is setting Corona milestones

SCHILLING ENGINEERING receives honorary medal of the Oskar Patzelt Foundation The 26th competition for the "Grand Prix Mittelstand 2020" ended on Saturday, October 24, 2020 with a festive award gala…

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Grand Prix Mittelstand 2020 for SCHILLING ENGINEERING

Schilling Engineering receives the "Oscar" of the economy For 22 years Schilling Engineering GmbH has been building modular cleanroom systems for over 20 industries, such as pharmaceuticals, medical…

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GS Swiss PCB - Expansion of cleanroom capacity during operation

GS Swiss PCB AG manufactures highly miniaturized printed circuit boards. The Swiss high-tech company is a leading manufacturer of substrates that is characterized by a high level of miniaturization…

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600 qm cleanroom for titanium implants

Our client Medartis, headquartered in Basel, is specialized in high-precision implant systems for bone fractures and bone malpositions. The anatomically precisely adapted titanium plates and titanium…

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LED- Lock door with integrated logo

Our long-time customer Gebr. Renggli AG from Schaffhausen recently docked another injection molding machine to the CleanMediCell® cleanroom. This means that the eighth and last docking place is now…

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INHOUSE fair postponed until further notice

Our planned INHOUSE fair (May 13th/14th) has been postponed until further notice due to the current situation. We will inform you about a new date in time. SCHILLING ENGINEERING & TEAM

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Education partnership

Education partner of nine schools The company Schilling Engineering has officially signed an educational sponsorship with nine schools from the region. The company provides the students with a wide…

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Sampling Cabin for Louis Widmer

The well-known Swiss cosmetics company Louis Widmer AG hasstarted up a CleanSteriCell® cleanroom system  for the safe sampling of raw materials for pharmaceutical and cosmetic products. The sampling…

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Corporate Succession

Report in the trade journal "Wirtschaft im Südwesten"
Edition Nov. 2019 "The Wutöschingen-based company Schilling Engineering expanded its management team in May: Since then, Gaby (left) and Ute…

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Clean air at Plansee

Clean air at Plansee Plansee invests in 400 square meters of cleanroom with the latest technology  The Plansee Group, based in Reutte, Austria, specializes in the powder metallurgical processing of…

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cancer research in the cleanroom

Immuno-oncology therapies treat tumours with individual support of patients’ immune systems. In the field of immunological diagnostics, the Immun-Onkologisches Zentrum Köln is researching and…

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Pipettes from the cleanroom

Hamilton is invested in a modern production facility in Domat/Ems. The core of the four-story new building is a 560 square meter cleanroom in which 2.5 billion pipette tips are manufactured annually…

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[Translate to English:] partikelarme Produktion mit moderner Informationstechnik
CleanCell 4.0 – Intelligent and efficient cleanroom system

The new cleanroom system CleanCell4.0® combines low-particle production with modern information technology and consumes far less energy than comparable cleanroom systems. The smart system links air…

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[Translate to English:] Erweiterung des Betriebsgebäude der SCHILLING ENGINEERING
SCHILLING ENGINEERING expands - company fit for the future

SCHILLING ENGINEERING expands - company fit for the future
SCHILLING ENGINEERING GmbH in Wutöschingen is one of the leading specialists in clean room technology. The company of Günther Schilling has…

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1,000 cleanroom projects

We almost missed it... we recorded a very special milestone last month. Our 1,000th individual cleanroom project was created as a project number.

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